Genealogy with Rackett
I’ve been learning Racket lately, and having a great time of it — inspired, among other things, by Alexis King’s talks on Hackett — A Metaprogrammable Haskell Written in Racket. As an experiment, I decided to see if I could write little genealogy program that extracts an ancestor from a tree of ancestors given a lineage, e.g. ,(f f f)
for “father’s father’s father” and (m f m)
for “mother’s father’s mother.”
For the code below, you will need to know how to extract heads and tails from lists and combine these to good effect:
> (define a '(1 2 3 4))
> (car a)
> (cdr a)
'(2 3 4)
> (car (cdr a))
> (cadr a)
You get the idea. Thus (caddr a)
, which is really (car (cdr (cdr a)))
is 3. Let’s begin the real work with an imaginary family which we can use for testing:
(define family
'("Thomas: 1949"
("Harold: 1922"
("James: 1897" ("George: 1887") ("Elizabeth 1885"))
("Violet 1900" ("Morris: 1877") ("Maude: 1889"))
("Mary: 1925"
("Aaron: 1886" ("Zvi: 1860") ("Rebecca: 1863"))
("Susan 1894" ("Jonathan: 1855") ("Fidelity: 1860"))
The next step is to define a small set of primitives: one function to return the left child tree of a given node, and one function to return the right child tree:
(define (left-child-tree tree) (cadr tree))
(define (right-child-tree tree) (caddr tree))
Let’s check that it works:
> (left-child-tree family)
'("Harold: 1922"
("James: 1897" ("George: 1887")("Elizabeth 1885"))
("Violet 1900" ("Morris: 1877") ("Maude: 1889")))> (right-child-tree (left-child-tree family))
'("Violet 1900" ("Morris: 1877") ("Maude: 1889"))> (right-child-tree (right-child-tree (left-child-tree family)))
'("Maude: 1889")
The correct subtree is returned, and composing primitives works as intended. For later use, let’s introduce some abbreviations:
(define m right-child-tree) ; mother's tree
(define f left-child-tree) ; father's tree
Recall the goal: to compute ancestors by giving a lineage, e.g., m f m
for “mother’s paternal grandmother.”
> (ancestor '(f f) family) ; paternal grandfather
"James: 1897"> (ancestor '(m f m) family) ; mother's paternal grandmother
"Rebecca: 1863"
To do this, we need a function apply-nested
that takes a quoted list of functions as first argument, then applies them in reverse order to the second argument, as indicated in the example below.
> (define (g x) (* 2 x))
> (define (h x) (+ x 1))
> (define (k x) (* x x))> (h (g (k 2)))
> (apply-nested '(k g h) 2)
The apply-nested
function is defined using recursion and eval
(define (apply-nested functions arg)
(if (null? functions)
(apply-nested (cdr functions) ((eval (car functions)) arg)))
Now the ancestor
function is easy to write: run apply-nested
, then extract the top node of the resulting tree using car
(define (ancestor lineage tree)
(apply-nested lineage tree)))
All done!