is a little app for tracking your reading— keeping a list of books, how many pages you have read in each, and, if you wish, notes on your books. After about ten months of development and experience, I thought it was time to share it with a wider audience and get some feedback — comment here or use the link in the User tab if you are signed in to the app.
Below is a short tour of features.
Tracking your books
The MyBooks tab lists your books — title, author, category, and progress (the orange bars). On the far right is the notes panel. Notes can be written in plain text, just like you write an email, or if you wish, in Markdown. Markdown lets you place images, make headings and subheadings, etc.
The Book Tab
The Book tab is where you add new books to your collection, write notes, and enter the number of pages read.
Sharing your reading list
The SharedBooks tab displays a list of users who share all or part of their book list. Users can be followed and unfollowed. Use list-sharing for classes you teach or that you take, for a reading group, etc.
The Chart tab displays your monthly reading stats in pages per month.
Smartphones also works on smartphones — same web address.
Give it a try!
I’ve found that with I am reading more — the gentle stimulus of those orange progress bars is surprisingly powerful. I do take notes on some books, but that is of course optional Give Booklib a try and see if it works for you.
We will be adding a few new features as things progress, but our overarching goal is to keep simple, useful, and enjoyable.
Tech note: Booklib is made with Elm.